Hello, I’m Manjula Paul, B.A.M.S., owner of Utrecht Ayurveda. Welcome to our “Better Health Through Ayurveda” video series, a rich tapestry of 52 episodes, each dedicated to illuminating diverse facets of Ayurveda to enhance your well-being.

Today, let’s embark on a journey through “Ten Teas for Winter.” As the winter season envelops us in its cool embrace, these recommended herbal brews will become your soothing companions, offering warmth and vitality.

Within this episode, we’ll delve into the world of these ten carefully curated teas. From classic spice-infused blends to the gentle nurturing properties of various herbs, you’ll discover an array of delightful, easy-to-prepare beverages that are perfectly suited to the winter months.

The wisdom of Ayurveda underscores the profound connection between nature and health. By integrating these teas into your daily routine, you can harmonize with the season and fortify your well-being.

Allow me to guide you through these simple teas, ensuring that you not only savor the warmth but also reap the health benefits each cup brings.

If you find this video informative and enriching, please consider sharing it with your friends and family. Let’s join hands in spreading the valuable teachings of Ayurveda for a healthier winter. Be sure to watch all of the enlightening episodes in my series, each serving as a stepping stone towards improved health and vitality.

Home » “Better Health Through Ayurveda”- Video Series- “Ten Teas For Winter”

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