

Add-on treatment only €60/ 30 minutes (Utrecht)
Add-on treatment only €70/ 30 minutes (Amsterdam*)

*Prices in Amsterdam are higher to offset higher business expenses.

Experience Holistic Renewal with Udvarthana Therapy at Utrecht Ayurveda

Addressing a Range of Health Concerns

Udvarthana therapy stands as a versatile and highly recommended treatment for a spectrum of health issues. This Ayurvedic therapy finds its efficacy in conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, obesity, skin problems, sciatica, indigestion, and sclerosis. By targeting these concerns, Udvarthana provides a holistic approach to well-being.

Activating Nerves and Enhancing Circulation

One of the key mechanisms of Udvarthana is its ability to activate nerves and boost blood circulation in areas of the body affected by various health conditions. This increased blood flow revitalizes the impaired parts of the body, facilitating the restoration of health and vitality.

Transforming Skin Health

Udvarthana offers a comprehensive approach to skin health. This therapy not only enhances skin tone but also improves its texture. Through exfoliation and rejuvenation, Udvarthana revitalizes the body and awakens the senses, leaving you with a radiant and refreshed feeling.

Harnessing the Power of Herbal Powder

At the core of Udvarthana lies the use of herbal powder. This potent blend of herbs plays a vital role in energizing blood circulation, drawing fresh Prana or energy to the skin's surface. The herbal powder, carefully selected for your specific needs, contributes to a revitalizing experience.

Opening Circulatory Channels and Detoxifying

Udvarthana effectively opens the circulatory channels, promoting the free flow of energy throughout the body. This action facilitates metabolic activity and assists in the removal of Ama, or toxins, from the body. By addressing the root causes of health issues, Udvarthana offers a holistic path to well-being.

Book Your Udvarthana Session Today

Rediscover the transformative power of Udvarthana at Utrecht Ayurveda. I specialize in tailoring this treatment to your unique needs, ensuring a personalized and effective approach to holistic renewal.

Two Convenient Locations: Utrecht and Amsterdam

Conveniently, I offer Udvarthana sessions at both our Utrecht and Amsterdam locations. Book your Udvarthana session today and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being with the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda at Utrecht Ayurveda.

Not sure which treatment is right for you?

Why not visit our contact page, we would love to chat with you!