Utrecht Ayurveda Stress Relief and Health Maintenance Program

Thank you for joining, let's begin...
After watching the video above, you're ready to begin.  Let's go step by step:
1) You will need to download the following documents below, fill them out and submit them back to me before the Initial Consultation.
Print out the forms, then scan or submit a photo to me using your camera phone.  Send them to: hoi@utrechtayurveda.nl. This way, when you first arrive, I will have had the time to go through your completed forms and we can get started right away.
Download these three documents to get started:
2) If you haven't yet made your appointment for your Initial Consultation, please do so now by calling Manjula Paul at 06 1523 0626. You must have the above documents filled out and submitted before arriving for your scheduled appointment.
3) After your Initial Consultation, I will immediately start the first of your physical treatments.  It is best to schedule this on the same day as the consultation, but can also be scheduled for a later date. The Initial Consultation is 60 minutes, and the physical treatment session is 90 minutes.  
4) During your Initial Consultation I will tell you your Doshic Balance and imbalance (Prakruthi & Vikruthi). The goal of this entire program is to bring your imbalances back into balance. 
You can then download the appropriate suggested food regimens from the links below.  These are not diets, but rather lists of foods that are proper to eat, avoid, or have in moderation according to your body type.
5) Download the daily checklist and helpful tips pdf using the button below.  Note at the outset that this regimen will require an additional 30 minutes to your normal morning routine.  I urge you to make the appropriate adjustments necessary to your routine to make ample time for this in the morning.  This may include going to bed a half an hour earlier than usual to ensure a good night's sleep.  Consider eliminating some of your TV time (if you watch evening TV), and relax using the techniques on the checklist.
Below are all of the pdf downloads and video links you will need to complete the Daily Checklist.